Would you like to be well again?

Liz Almond picture

When you are feeling unwell, life just isn’t as good as it could be is it?  You may have a multitude of symptoms or you may just have one thing that is making you miserable.  So what can you do about the situation?

Well as I see it, you have two options, you can sit and wallow in your misery or you can take action and be more positive.  Following an accident at work in 1996, I had two years off work as I was suffering from Chronic Pain Syndrome.  I was predicted by doctors to only have 70% of my function for life.  It was devastating news….My problems were investigated by GPs, rheumatologists, orthopaedic surgeons, physiotherapists and pain specialists and I was on high strength pain killers which had no effect.

As you can imagine, life was not great.  I was terribly unhappy and really quite negative.  I was on benefit, in debt, in excruciating pain and in a relationship which was not empowering me.   I went from therapist to therapist trying to get help to make me happy and well again.  It took me a long while to realise that they could not make me happy, and the only person who could make me happy was me!  I had to change my attitude to life and become more positive.  I had to take control of my health!

So what worked….

In my search for happiness, I tried all sorts of complementary therapies.  The main one which made such a difference to me early on was Reiki.  I was empowered to the healing energy in October 1998 and by January 1999, I was off benefit, I was working full time as a teacher and the pain I felt was much reduced.  Life was looking up …. I felt amazing and things seemed just to get better and better.  How could something so simple as being attuned to this natural healing method help me feel so wonderful? Now 15 years on, I am Reiki Master/Teacher and I am able to pass on the wisdom I have learnt in my journey of self-healing.

If you are wondering what Reiki is, according to the Reiki Council (www.reikicouncil.co.uk) it is….

Liz Almon - Reiki tree‘Universal life energy’, a term used to describe a system of natural healing.  This healing tradition was founded by Dr Mikao Usui in the early 20th century and evolved as a result of his research, experience and dedication.  We live in a world of energy that nourishes and maintains all living things.  When the energy flows uninterrupted there is balance and harmony within and around us and we experience a sense of wellbeing. Reiki works at bringing us into balance and works on a spiritual, physical, emotional and mental level.’

So was it just Reiki that got me well again or did I use other complementary therapies?

As well as Reiki, I have done lots of other stuff to change my mindset.  I have read numerous self help books, been on courses for Neuro Linguistic Programming, Timeline Therapy and Hypnosis and much more.  In essence, when you start to take responsibility for what you are saying to yourself and understand why you are reacting to your life negatively, your pain and unhappiness will change.  Anyone can be attuned to Reiki and once you have it, it is with you for life, so it is a great way to help yourself!

Choose to act now and think differently about yourself and your life.  Take responsibility for your happiness and be careful what you are saying to yourself.  Think happy thoughts and be grateful for what you have got, rather than what you haven’t.  Dream big and set yourself goals and work towards them.  Never settle for second best.  Remember the age that you are, does not stop you from having happiness right now.  It is free…..


Liz Almond

Health and Wellbeing Coach

Insightful Minds



07815 904848


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